Interspeech 2006 - ICSLP
September 17-21 2006
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
INTERSPEECH 2006 - ICSLP, the Ninth International Conference on
Spoken Language Processing dedicated to the interdisciplinary study
of speech science and language technology, will be held in
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, September 17-21, 2006, under the
sponsorship of the International Speech Communication Association
The Interspeech meetings are considered to be the top international
conference in speech and language technology, with more than 1000
attendees from universities, industry, and government agencies. They
are unique in that they bring together faculty and students from
universities with researchers and developers from government and
industry to discuss the latest research advances, technological
innovations, and products. The conference offers the prospect of
meeting the future leaders of our field, exchanging ideas, and
exploring opportunities for collaboration, employment, and sales
through keynote talks, tutorials, technical sessions, exhibits, and
poster sessions. In recent years the Interspeech meetings have taken
place in a number of exciting venues including most recently Lisbon,
Jeju Island (Korea), Geneva, Denver, Aalborg (Denmark), and Beijing.
ISCA, together with the Interspeech 2006 - ICSLP organizing
committee, would like to encourage submission of papers for the
upcoming conference in the following topics of interest:
- Linguistics, Phonetics, and Phonology
- Prosody
- Discourse and Dialog
- Speech Production
- Speech Perception
- Physiology and Pathology
- Paralinguistic and Nonlinguistic Information (e.g. Emotional Speech)
- Signal Analysis and Processing
- Speech Coding and Transmission
- Spoken Language Generation and Synthesis
- Speech Recognition and Understanding
- Spoken Dialog Systems
- Single-channel and Multi-channel Speech Enhancement
- Language Modeling
- Language and Dialect Identification
- Speaker Characterization and Recognition
- Acoustic Signal Segmentation and Classification
- Spoken Language Acquisition, Development and Learning
- Multi-Modal Processing
- Multi-Lingual Processing
- Spoken Language Information Retrieval
- Spoken Language Translation
- Resources and Annotation
- Assessment and Standards
- Education
- Spoken Language Processing for the Challenged and Aged
- Other Applications
- Other Relevant Topics
In addition to the regular sessions, a series of special sessions has
been planned for the meeting. Potential authors are invited to
submit papers for special sessions as well as for regular sessions,
and all papers in special sessions will undergo the same review
process as papers in regular sessions. Confirmed special sessions
and their organizers include:
- The Speech Separation Challenge, Martin Cooke (Sheffield) and Te-Won
Lee (UCSD)
- Speech Summarization, Jean Carletta (Edinburgh), Julia Hirschberg
(Columbia), and Sadaoki Furui (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- Articulatory Modeling, Eric Bateson (University of British Columbia)
- Visual Intonation, Marc Swerts (Tilburg)
- Spoken Dialog Technology R&D, Roberto Pieraccini (Tell-Eureka)
- The Prosody of Turn-Taking and Dialog Acts, Nigel Ward (UTEP) and
Elizabeth Shriberg (SRI and ICSI)
- Speech and Language in Education, Patti Price ( and Abeer
Alwan (UCLA)
- From Ideas to Companies, Janet Baker (formerly of Dragon Systems)
The deadline for submission of 4-page full papers is April 7, 2006.
Paper submission will be exclusively through the conference website,
using submission guidelines to be provided. Previously-published
papers should not be submitted. The corresponding author will be
notified by e-mail of the paper status by June 9, 2006. Minor
updates will be allowed from June 10 to June 16, 2006.
We encourage proposals for three-hour tutorials to be held on
September 17, 2006. Those interested in organizing a tutorial should
send a 2-3 page description by electronic mail to
, in plain ASCII (iso8859-1) text as
soon as possible, but no later than January 31, 2006.
Proposals for tutorials should contain the following information:
- Title of the tutorial
- Summary and relevance
- Description of contents and course material
- The names, postal addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of
the tutorial speakers, with a one-paragraph statement describing the
research interests and areas of expertise of the speaker(s)
- Any special requirements for technical needs (display projector,
computer infrastructure, etc.)
Four-page paper deadline: April 7, 2006
Notification of paper status: June 9, 2006
Early registration deadline: June 23, 2006
Tutorial Day: September 17, 2006
Main Conference: September 18-21, 2006
For further information:
or send email to
Professor Richard M. Stern (General Chair)
Carnegie Mellon University
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
Fax: +1 412 268-3890