Adding Index Terms
To be properly indexed by citation indexing systems it is
necessary for papers
to include "Index Terms" after the abstract. This requirement has only
come to our attention recently. IEEE (ICASSP) and ISCA are trying to
ensure that all conferences/workshops comply. Being compliant will
help your citation index, as well as making it easier to evaluate the contribution
of the papers in our journals and conferences.
After the abstract add "Index Terms:" and add up to five comma
separated terms. No convention is defined for the terms, but try to
be informative and standard. E.g. "speech synthesis, unit selection,
join cost", or "speech recognition, cross lingual, adaptation, Arabic"
Here is an example pdf with index terms added.
For Latex users add (with your appropriate terms)
\noindent{\bf Index Terms}: speech synthesis, unit selection, join costs.
immediately after
See the new Latex template
is2006_latex_template.tex for a concrete example.
For Word users add Index Terms: (in bold) immediately
after your abstract and add your appropriate terms. See the new Word template for a concrete example.
Author Kit
In the following you will find guidelines and templates for preparing
your full paper to INTERSPEECH 2006 - ICSLP electronically. We
suggest that you print and read this information carefully before
downloading the template packages.
To extract these files under UNIX run:
$ unzip
General Information
- All manuscripts must be in English. English is the official language of INTERSPEECH 2006 - ICSLP.
- The paper must be no longer than four (4) pages. It may be shorter.
- To achieve the best viewing experience both for the Proceedings and the CD-ROM, we strongly encourage the use Times-Roman font (the LaTeX style file as well as the Word template files use Times-Roman). This is needed in order to give the Proceedings a uniform look.
- Authors are required to submit PDF files of their manuscripts. The PDF files should comply with the requirements in 2.10 of the template files.
- Minor updates of accepted papers will be allowed during June 10 - June 16.
LaTeX Template
If your paper will be typeset using LaTeX, please download the template files here that will generate the proper format. These files include:
The LaTeX Templates distributed for INTERSPEECH 2006 - ICSLP have been generated using the tetex-1.0.7 distribution for Unix/Linux. This distribution is the recommended distribution to use. You may consult the CTAN (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network) at or for recent
updates and style files.
Microsoft Word Template
If your paper will be written using Microsoft Word, template files (for Microsoft Word 2000 or later) are available which will produce the proper format. These files include:
Additional Instructions
- For 9-point type font, there should be no more than 3.2 lines/cm (8 lines/inch) vertically. This is a minimum spacing; 2.75 lines/cm (7 lines/inch) will make the paper much more readable. Larger type sizes require correspondingly larger vertical spacing.
- Paper Title - The paper title must be in boldface. All non-function words must be capitalized, and all other words in the title must be lower case. The paper title is centered across the top of the two columns on the first page as indicated above.
- Authors' Name(s) - The authors' name(s) and affiliation(s) appear centered below the paper title. If space permits, include a mailing address here. The templates indicate the area where the title and author information should go. These items need not be strictly confined to the number of lines indicated; papers with multiple authors and affiliations, for example, may require two or more lines for this information.
- Abstract - Each paper must contain an abstract that appears at the beginning of the paper.
- Major Headings - Major headings are in boldface, with the first word capitalized and the rest of the heading in lower case. Examples of the various levels of headings are included in the templates.
- Sub Headings - Sub headings appear like major headings, except they start at the left margin in the column.
- Sub-Sub Headings - Sub-sub headings appear like sub headings, except they are in italics and not bold face.
- References - Number and list all references at the end of the paper. The references are numbered in order of appearance in the document. When referring to them in the text, type the corresponding reference number in square brackets as shown at the end of this sentence [1]. (This is done automatically when using the Latex template).
- Illustrations - Illustrations must appear within the designated margins, and must be positioned within the paper margins. They may span the two columns. If possible, position illustrations at the top of columns, rather than in the middle or at the bottom. Caption and number every illustration. All half-tone or color illustrations must be clear when printed in black and white. Line drawings must be made in black ink on white paper.
- Do NOT include headers and footers. The page numbers, session numbers and conference identification will be post processed automatically, at the time of printing the Proceedings.
- Any text or other material outside the following margins will not be printed.
- Print the paper on white paper and check that the positioning (left and top margins) as well as other layout features are correct.
- The conference organizers will use the submitted pdf files and auto-generate pdf-files when authors submitted PostScript files. Colors will be reproduced in the files of the CD-ROM Proceedings. However, in case of space limitations the conference organizers may have to reduce the resolution of the pdf-files.
- NOTE: We do not require copyright forms
Thanks for following all of these instructions carefully! If you have any questions or comments concerning the submission, please don't hesitate to contact the conference organizers at